
Talking about the baby skin

Talking about the baby skin

Baby's skin is very smooth and soft course must be treated with caution. So you're not wrong to do skin care baby because of the myths that do not necessarily true, see an explanation of M & B following.
  • The only thing you need to clean your baby is water.

This myth is wrong because water alone is not enough to kill bacteria that are around the diaper area (buttocks and thighs) the little guy. "When you want to bathe or cleanse your baby, do not just use water,
because water is not an effective cleaner," said Professor Michael J. Cork, Head of Academy of Dermatology University of Sheffield, England.

Use special cleaning products plus water for bathing the baby at the little guy. Water alone is not sufficient because pH (acidity) of water so that 7.5 can cause the baby's skin (the pH was 5.5) become dry. Lack of clean water is also potentially caused negative effects to the skin for a soft.

  • All cleaning products are not good for baby's skin.

This myth is wrong because using the right products or which is devoted to baby it is very good because these products can keep baby's skin pH remained stable at 5.5 degrees of acidity. Your baby's skin will stay supple even cleaned with cleaning products.
  • Oils of mineral material not suitable for babies skin.

This myth is wrong, some of the oil made from the grown acid it contains fatty acids that can damage the skin layers. Even olive oil is mostly done to massage the baby was actually less according to baby's skin. Therefore, infants who are genetically likely to have eczema, you should not use oil from materials grown or olive oil. Choose a baby oil product that contains mineral base ingredients that are needed to help cope with eczema

Talking about the baby skin