
The use of inhalers in Pregnant Women, dangerous?

Mother with asthma? If yes, of course, Mother could feel how hard it is inhaling oxygen during asthma attacks.

Causes of asthma can be through gene can also be from allergies such as dust, cold air, tobacco smoke, etc.. Asthma occurs due to narrowing of the lower airway, usually followed by a cough and wheezing. This occurs due to narrowing of the airway smooth muscle wrinkled, swollen mucous membranes and the presence of excessive mucus in the respiratory cavity.

Generally, people with asthma use some kind of medication and inhalers to open the airway smooth muscle so that oxygen can enter. However, whether the use of it is safe for a pregnant mother?

According to dr. Nugroho Kampono SpOG (K) from Mercy Hospital, Jakarta use of inhalers cause only local effects due only to the respiratory tract. "No adverse effects on the fetus." He added.

However, the use of allergy medications that contain antihistamines is not recommended, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy. Antihistamine effects can suppress the child's kidneys that can inhibit the growth of the fetus and cause abnormalities at birth. The good doctor is clearly asking for directions before taking a drug.

Then What about the labor day?

Many say that pregnant women with asthma are likely to pass through the process of cesarean birth. 

Who says?

This was denied by dr. Nugroho, he stated that the process of contraction can increase the hormone adrenaline that is able to treat asthma. "If the hormone adrenaline increased even good for asthma sufferers," he explained. The point of women with asthma who are pregnant can perform normal deliveries.

  • Avoid asthma triggers as much as possible
  • Do exercise. Morning walk good for pregnant women

The use of inhalers in Pregnant Women, dangerous?