
Time to shave baby's hair

I Love My Baby... Benefits Little shaved after birth often get questions from the mothers and fathers. Some say that the child continues to grow thick hair though never in shaving since birth. Some are saying after shaving off her hair, growing their hair into long. Actually, what the benefits of shaving it?
In Religion and Medical

In Islam, to shave baby's hair in order Aqiqah ceremony, which was intended as a symbol to ward off evil spirits. While medical reasons mentioned, the baby's hair should be shaved to clean the fat in the head. Fat attached to the baby's scalp comes from the mother's womb which is the remnants of the hormone, coupled with the dirt from the outside like the dried spit up on the pillow and then about her hair. With shaving, all the dirt will disappear from Little's head.

In addition, if at any time in Little scalp disorders such as sores or boils, a bald head will allow doctors to examine and make an analysis. Maybe your little shaved happy, because it seems more isis according to the Javanese term, meaning not hot.

Hair Shaving Steps

If you've decided to shave your baby, maybe now a new question arises: what tools should be used? Using an electric shaver is more practical and faster. But his voice can be annoying Little, very likely will make him angry, so that even more difficult to be persuaded to shave the hair. Considering we are going to shave in a state of sleep, then we should not disturb his sleep with an electric shaver. Use a razor to shave her hair scissors.

You need to prepare:

  • The basin of warm water
  • Shaver
  • Towel two
  • Pillows
  • The liquid antiseptic.
  • Razors are still new
  • Hair Scissors
 Preparation Before Shaving

  • Prior to shaving Little, shampoo he used to minimize the risk of wound infection when it came to happen.
  • Allow the Little sleep in your arms. Position the head on your elbow, so that when you shave it will not be there the head is blocked.
  • Create an atmosphere in the room to be really comfortable. Avoid risky things that can make your child awake, such as heat or sound is noisy.

Time to shave baby's hair