
Fat VS Skinny Baby

Fat VS Skinny Baby

"If I must choose, I want my child chubby. Cute and adorable, "said Dewi, a mother of Keisha, four months. But wait, according to Dr. Herbowo Soetomenggolo, SP.A, child specialist of RSIA Hermina, Jatinegara, a fat child is not better than the skinny kids. But indeed, this weight in lean or obese is one indicator of child health and growth. "The best thing is child's ideal weight, not too skinny or too fat," said Dr. Bowo.
According to Drs. Bowo, very difficult to distinguish whether the child is skinny or fat is healthy. But with the more careful examination, it is known whether the child's weight is less, poor nutrition, overnutrition, or obesity.

Person's body size is determined by diet, activity performed, and body condition. For example, many children who move tend to be slimmer than children who are not too fond of physical activity. Then healthy children are certainly more robust bodies than children who are sick. Another thing that affects the size and body shape is genetic.

The studies found that babies whose weight increased rapidly in the first four months since its birth, the risk of becoming obese. But according to Dr. Bowo, a child can physically change over time and environmental conditions. "The child continued to grow especially in the onset of puberty, so most of the child's condition will change over time," he said.

If your child does not have an ideal weight, you should immediately contact a doctor. "Maybe the weight disorder can facilitate children affected by illness or even body weight disorder is caused by the disease are difficult to see by the naked eye," was the message Dr. Bowo

Fat VS Skinny Baby