
Know the Causes and Ways to Overcome Red Eyes in Babies

 Know the Causes and Ways to Overcome Red Eyes in Babies

During this time maybe you thought that the condition of red eyes can only occur in toddlers and adults, yes. At first, I also thought so. However, in one of the online baby health consultation forums that I attended, a mother told me that a few days ago, her baby, who was only a week old, experienced this.

Then, the mother immediately took the child to the pediatrician to check the condition of her eyes. Here are some things the doctor explained to the mother regarding the condition of the red eye that the baby is experiencing:

A Glance Around the Red Eyes in Babies

Red-eye conditions or what is known in medical terms as conjunctivitis can occur to anyone, including newborns. Conjunctivitis occurs when the clear membrane lining the white part of the eye and the inner surface of the eyelids is inflamed. In newborns, inflammation is susceptible to spread to damage the baby's eyes if not treated immediately.

Red Eye Trigger or Conjunctivitis Factors

Inflammation of the cause of conjunctivitis in the eye can be triggered by various things, Mom. Among them are viruses, bacteria, and allergies. The following is the full explanation and how to handle it:

1. Conjunctivitis Caused by Viruses

Some symptoms that will be seen if your child has conjunctivitis due to viruses include:

The eyes of the Little one are red or pink, appear swollen in all parts, release fluids, and become more sensitive when exposed to light.
Along with the blushing of the eyes, your child also has a runny nose and discomfort so he cries constantly.

If this happens, what you can do to overcome it is:

  • Try to clean your eyes with caution regularly. Mother can do this by rubbing her eyes using a soft towel that has been moistened with warm water.
  • In addition, to reduce the sensation of pain in the eyes of your child, you are also advised to compress his eyes 2-3 times a day using a towel that has been soaked in warm water. Anyway, to make sure there is no water coming into the eyes of your favorite baby, make sure the towel has been squeezed properly before being used to compress it.

2. Conjunctivitis Caused by Bacteria

Meanwhile, for conjunctivitis caused by bacteria, the symptoms that will appear include:

  • Eyes are red or pink; feels pain in the end or part of the eye which is marked by the fusing of your child; Your child looks often trying to direct his hand to his eyes because it feels so itchy; the eyes release green or greenish yellow fluid and appear to be covered with skin in the morning when the baby wakes up.

If your child has conjunctivitis like this, you need to consult a doctor immediately to get an ointment or tablet that can help speed up the recovery of the baby's eyes.

3. Conjunctivitis Caused by Allergies

In addition to the two factors above, conjunctivitis can also be caused by allergies, ma'am. The trigger is usually smoke, dirty air, dust, milk, or interaction with animals. Some symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis include:

  • The eyes of the Little One appear swollen, red, runny, and runny stools.

To help reduce the discomfort felt by your child, doctors recommend that you compress your baby's eyes using a cold towel. In addition, you also need to find out what triggers allergic reactions to your child. That way, in the future, you can avoid the risk of allergies to your baby's favorite baby's eyes. However, get to the doctor immediately if your eyes don't get better.

Well, that is all conjunctivitis in babies that I know from a mother's cheating on an online forum. Hopefully, this info is useful.

Know the Causes and Ways to Overcome Red Eyes in Babies