
7 Causes of Back Pain in Women

7 Causes of Back Pain in Women

Both men and women, both are likely to experience back pain. If men are more closely related to work, then back pain in women is related to reproductive organs and hormonal conditions are more complex.

Lower back pain in women can occur not only due to disorders of the spine and muscles, but also as a result of problems in internal organs, such as the uterus, ovaries, kidneys, hormonal changes throughout the course of life, and others. this is the most common cause of back pain in women:

1. Coccydynia

Coccydynia or coccyx pain is an unusual problem but can occur. In this condition, sitting, cycling, and everything that puts pressure on the coccyx, causing severe back pain. Statistics show that women have a five times higher risk of developing coccydynia than men.

2. Uterine tumor

Benign tumors in the uterus generally do not cause pain. However, the type of myoma or fibroid that continues to grow larger can suppress the surrounding nerves. This will cause pain in the woman's back.

3. HNP 

Nucleus pulposus herniation (HNP) occurs when the spinal pad (disc) protrudes so that it compresses the spinal cord. This can occur due to weight lifting or injury and aging. Bone marrow which in fact is nerve tissue becomes squeezed with symptoms varies depending on the level of crush, ranging from back pain, to paralysis.

4. Ovarian tumor

As in the case of uterine fibroids, ovarian tumors can grow large enough to compress the nerve. Sometimes, ovarian tumors can cause torsion (twisting) or rupture (rupture) which causes unbearable pain in the lower back. If the tumor develops into malignant cancer, the spread can occur, the surrounding organs including the bone can become the target.

5. Kidney stones

Sometimes, hard deposits can develop in the kidneys and then travel to the bladder. When this kidney stone passes through the ureter, most people will experience very severe pain, even making it difficult to carry out daily tasks.

6. Endometriosis Endometrial tissue,

which is the surface layer in the uterus, can grow outside the uterus, namely in the ovaries, stomach, etc., causing irregular menstruation, back pain, and intensive menstrual cramps.

7. Osteoporosis

When a woman steps into the menopause phase, hormonal changes occur which will affect even psychic health. One problem that often arises is osteoporosis.

Osteoporosis often affects the spine and thighs of the spine, which trigger pain in the lower back. For those of you who suspect one of the conditions above, you should check with your doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment.

7 Causes of Back Pain in Women
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