
7 Proven Ways To Get Rid Of Dark Lips Naturally

7 Proven Ways To Get Rid Of Dark Lips Naturally

Lips are one part of the body that is most often affected by sunlight and other factors that often make it black. Fortunately, various medical and traditional methods can be done to re-enlighten them. One of them reddened the lips with lime as discussed below. 

Natural flush red lips are the dream of many people, especially women. Various methods have been carried out, even to high-risk ones such as lip embroidery. In fact, there are safer natural ways that can be used to redden the lips. Although natural ways are generally more time to consume and need the patience to get the desired results.

Lime or lime has long been known as a whitening agent. Even in the industrial world, processed lime can be used as calcium hypochlorite to be used as a cheap bleach for paper materials. Fruit with a sour taste is also a fruit that is rich in vitamin C which is good for the skin, including the skin of the lips. 

In addition, lemon juice also contains a variety of nutrients such as Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Calcium, Magnesium, Vitamin K, Potassium and Phosphorus which are beneficial for lip health. His ability to make lemon juice powerful enough to redden the lips naturally.

Especially black lips due to exposure to sunlight, smoking habits, high caffeine intake, use of low-quality beauty products, and hormonal imbalances. Lime can also be combined with other ingredients to increase its ability to redden the lips. Some of them are as described below.

Natural Ways to Reduce Lips with Lime 

1. Lime 

As a natural whitening agent, lime juice without any other ingredients is effective enough to fade black spots on the skin, as well as on the lips. The content of vitamin C and antioxidants are very good for nourishing the lips to blush red. How to use this lime? pay attention to the following steps: 

  • Prepare fresh lime juice and then take the water. 
  • Apply to the lips while gently massaging in a circle.
  • It should be noted that reducing the lips with lime should be done at night before going to sleep because lime makes the skin more sensitive to sunlight. 
  • Do this method every day or 2-3 times a week for 2 months or until satisfactory results have been obtained. 2. Lime with sugar

2. Lime with sugar 

The process of reddening the lips is essentially to lift the blackened layer of the lip to replace it with a new, brighter layer. With a brighter skin layer, the natural red color of the lips can appear more easily. A mixture of sugar and lime can act as an exfoliating agent that erodes the dull skin layer of the lips. How to make it quite easily as follows: 
  • Prepare fresh lime and sugar to taste. 
  • Take lemon juice and mix sugar to form like a liquid paste. 
  • Apply the mixture to the lips evenly and do a circular massage to remove the dull layer of skin. 
  • Do it 2-3 times a week, even the day before going to bed for maximum results.

3. Lime with yogurt 

The content of lactic acid in yogurt is known to brighten pigmented lips. So that the yogurt mixture and lime juice will work maximally to blacken the lips. The trick is to mix yogurt and lime juice in the same ratio. Then apply to the skin of the lips. Wash your lips with cold water afterward. Do this method once a day until you get a lighter red lip.

4. Lime with honey 

Honey is a natural ingredient with a variety of healthy properties it contains. Among them is its ability to moisturize the skin, help with wound healing and anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties.

How to use a mixture of lime and cucumber as follows:
  • Prepare lime juice and cucumber that has been finely blended, mix them together with the same ratio. 
  • Apply the material to the lips evenly and let stand for about 20 minutes, then wash thoroughly. 
  • Do this method every day before going to bed at night so the results are maximal.

5. Lime with almond oil Almond 

oil is a natural ingredient that is rich in vitamin E and saturated fatty acids that can moisturize and soften the skin of the lips. This mixture of ingredients with lime effectively brighten the lips a little black and make them moister so they are not easily broken. How to use it: 
  • Mix each one tablespoon of lime juice and almond oil. 
  • Apply the mixture to the lips evenly and let stand for about 40 minutes. 
  • Clean the lips with cold water afterward. 
  • Do this method 2-3 times a day until you get a lighter red lip. 

6. Lime with cucumber Similar to lime, 

cucumber also has whitening properties. Besides that, cucumber is also rich in silica which plays an important role in tissue formation in the skin and other parts of the body. Vitamin C and caffeic acid can also keep the skin from losing water so the lips are kept moist. 

How to use a mixture of lime and cucumber as follows: 
  • Prepare lime juice and cucumber that has been finely blended, mix them together with the same ratio. 
  • Apply the material to the lips evenly and let stand for about 20 minutes, then wash thoroughly. 
  • Do this method every day before going to bed at night so the results are maximal.

7. Lime with castor oil 

Brightening the lips with lime can also be combined with castor oil. The oil obtained from the extract of the castor tree is known to have the ability to enhance the immune system and is good for the skin. The content of unscenic acid is disinfectant and anticipate so that it can prevent the lip skin from bacterial or fungal infections that can cause the lips to become sore and darker. 

Here's how to use lime and castor oil for lips: 
  • Prepare fresh lime juice and castor oil, mix 1 tsp. 
  • Use the mixture on the surface of the lips and massage gently to soak. 
  • Let stand for about 15 minutes then wash thoroughly with lukewarm water. 
  • Repeat this method 3 times a day until you get a redder lips and look fresh.

7 Proven Ways To Get Rid Of Dark Lips Naturally