
14 Causes of Urinary Tract Infection in Women Who Must Be Cautious

14 Causes of Urinary Tract Infection in Women Who Must Be Cautious

Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) occurs in women twice the risk than in men. One of the causes is that the urethral canal in women is shorter in size than men, so bacteria enter faster and have an infection effect. The cause of urinary tract infections in women can be caused by various factors. Poor hygiene causes bacterial contamination to the urinary tract.

Symptoms of a urinary tract infection are characterized by frequent urination in small amounts with cloudy colors. Accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen. Sometimes it is also accompanied by fever to shivering. This indicates infection to the kidney. A positive person is said to have a urinary tract infection if the results of laboratory tests found bacteria in the urine, there is nitrate in the urine, there is leukocyte-esterase in the urine, white blood cells> 10 / mm3 and antibody-coated bacteria are found.

Causes of urinary tract infections in women
Various conditions can cause urinary tract infections in women, in addition to hygiene factors, the age factor is also sometimes the cause of this problem. Here are some of the things that cause urinary tract infections in women:

E.coli bacteria
Nearly 80% of the causes of urinary tract infections that occur in women are caused by E.coli bacteria that enter the urinary tract. This is related to one's cleanliness and some improper cleaning methods. For example, watering urine from back to front. This will help E. coli bacteria in the anus move to the front area so that it is riskier to enter the urinary tract.

Women who have experienced menopause will experience a decrease in estrogen production. This results in changes in environmental conditions in the urinary tract which cause a greater risk of developing bacteria that can cause infection. The women who have menopause will often experience stomach ache as a sign of infection in the urinary tract.

Use of spermicide-coated condoms
Women who are associated with husbands who use condoms coated with spermicides will be more vulnerable to urinary tract infections. Why is that? Spermicides kill good bacteria in the urinary tract, then allow the bad bacteria that grow in them to cause infection.

Diaphragm contraception
This type of contraceptive works by pressing the urethra and disrupting urine discharge performance. As a result, the likelihood of growth and growth of bacteria that cause infection will be even greater. These bacteria will trigger an infection in the urinary tract.

Decreased endurance in women
Women who experience a decrease in endurance can be at risk of suffering from urinary tract infections. Bacteria that enter the body will quickly attack the urinary tract and cause undesired symptoms. Some conditions of the weak immune system in women such as bleeding, lack of nutrition, anemia, dehydration, fatigue, prolonged labor and so on also allow women to experience urinary tract infections.

Do not urinate after intercourse
Sexual activity between women and men allows the risk of entry of bacteria into the women's urinary tract which is shorter. So after contact, women are strongly encouraged to urinate and clean up the remaining dirt to help prevent the occurrence of urinary tract infections that are more likely to occur in women.

Lack of drinking water
Lack of drinking water causes the urinary system to become blocked. In addition to reducing body resistance due to dehydration, slow urinary cleansing will allow bacteria to develop in the canal and cause infection. At least a day, drink 2 liters of water to increase endurance while cleansing other organs of the body.

Pregnancy in women also often causes women in women who sometimes also continue to urinary tract infections in women. The larger the uterus will squeeze the urinary system, causing women to often develop BAK at an advanced gestational age.

Lack of maintaining the cleanliness of underwear
Bacterial infections can occur everywhere, including undressed clothes. In a day, at least change underwear 3 times, and can be more if the activity is quite dense. If you are tired, a woman often experiences vaginal discharge and the like which causes dirty underwear to quickly wear. So in this condition, the clothes must be replaced quickly to prevent bacterial contamination into the urinary tract.

Usage of catheter
Women who have just undergone childbirth surgery or other surgeries usually use a catheter to help urinate. Did you know, the use of this tool allows a greater risk in women to experience urinary tract infections. So when using a catheter make sure the woman's body condition is in prime condition to reduce the risk of infection from bacteria.

Dirty toilet water
For women, make sure you are sure that the water in the toilet is used to clean BAK or BAB in a sterile and not dirty condition. The entry of bacteria into the urinary tract can also be caused by bacterial contamination in the water, so that when it is washed the bacteria penetrate the skin and continue into the deepest part of the channel. In women, the short urethra can accelerate the risk of infection.

Restrain urination
Do not get used to holding BAK, this will trigger kidney conditions with cloudy urine. In this condition bacteria will also be more likely to grow and develop causing infection. Especially in women who have a greater risk of experiencing the infection.

Use of scented feminine products
Carefully choosing feminine products that contain perfume, the use of this product allows irritation of the skin and triggers the entry of bacteria into the genetic organs. Although beautiful needs are important, in this case, you are also important to pay attention to the side effects of the overall health of the female organs.

The use of underwear that is too tight and made of material does not absorb sweat
For women, it is recommended to wear loose underwear and cotton material that absorbs sweat. Clothing that is too tight will pose a risk of irritation to the skin, and sweat that is not absorbed properly will become a fertile medium for bacterial growth and development. The growth of bacteria in underwear will risk attacking genetic organs that can cause infection.

Various causes of urinary tract infections in women above can be anticipated by maintaining good hygiene, choosing the right products for the treatment of female organs, consuming lots of water and vitamin C for immunity, as well as paying attention to the habits that turned out to have an effect on organ hygiene. genetic in women. So that the greater risk can be prevented early.

14 Causes of Urinary Tract Infection in Women Who Must Be Cautious