
9 Benefits of basil leaves for health

9 Benefits of basil leaves for health
9 Benefits of basil leaves for health

Basil leaves are better known as vegetables. Because it is known as fresh vegetables, many people do not think that many benefits of basil leaves can be obtained by the body.

The benefits of basil leaves that many people know are just their use in various culinary and do not discuss the benefits of basil leaves that are more profound, for example about the benefits of basil leaves for health.

In China, this plant is used as a medicine for infections, stomach aches, snake bites, insects, drugs until it is a cancer drug. Many other countries also use basil leaves as traditional medicines, such as Greece, the Philippines, Tanzania, Mexico, and American and European countries.

Apart from scientific proof, empirical basil has been used in traditional medicine for various diseases, both in Indonesia and other countries.

The following are nine benefits of basil leaves for health, including:

Maintain heart health
Basil leaves are rich in beta-carotene and magnesium, important minerals that function to maintain and maintain heart health. Therefore, besides exercising regularly and maintaining a healthy diet, consuming basil regularly is also believed to strengthen your heart.

2. Improve appetite

The scent of basil leaves invites appetite. Naturally, if many people consume basil leaves as raw vegetables, mix peppers, or threatened. Besides being fresh and tasty, it turns out that the aroma of basil leaves can increase appetite & make eating become voracious.

3. Strengthen the lifespan of sperm and prevent infertility

In addition to delicious dishes, basil leaves contain arginine compounds which are proven to strengthen sperm life while preventing infertility. Basil leaves also contain substances that can stimulate the formation of androgen and estrogen hormones. The benefits of basil leaves for reproductive health are very important for couples who plan to have or add offspring.

If anyone has a complaint of ejaculation, basil leaves contain fenkhona Eugenol and Apigenin substances that can help make erections easier.

4. Lowering blood sugar

Many people who are not interested in consuming basil leaves for some reason are stinging. However, who would have thought if one of the benefits of basil leaves for other health is to reduce blood sugar. Control your blood sugar to stay normal by eating basil regularly.

5. Prevent bad breath and body odor

The benefits of basil leaves for other health are preventing bad breath and body odor. If you don't like the smell if you have to eat it directly, you can also drink the basil leaf juice mixed with turmeric and leaves then drink it regularly every day.

6. Treating vaginal problems, breast pain, kidney stones & albuminuria

John Henry M in his book entitled A Dictionary of Practical Materials Medical said that the benefits of basil leave for health care to overcome diarrhea, vaginal disorders, breast pain, to overcome kidney stones and albuminuria.

7. Overcoming flu, headaches, worms, and constipation

Based on research conducted by the Center for New Crops and Plant Products from Purdue University, the benefits of basil leaves are effective in overcoming flu, diarrhea, headaches, intestinal worms, constipation, and kidney disease.

8. Overcoming flatulence, ulcers, colds, and intestinal problems

Still, from the same research results, experts have proven the benefits of basil leaves can treat flatulence, ulcers, lethargy, colds, to overcome seizures. The aroma of basil leaves can also be used as an insect repellent.

In addition, the benefits of other basil leaves are overcoming digestive problems, intestinal infections, vomiting, headaches, fever, to gastritis.

9. As a massage oil

Basil leaves are often distilled because they contain high-grade essential oils where the aroma of basil will disappear within 24 hours after being applied to the body. Essential oils can make the body fresher and relieve pain so it is very good to be used as aroma massage oil.

Well, that's the benefit of basil leaves that you can get, so don't hesitate to eat basil leaves regularly to keep the body fresh and fit.

9 Benefits of basil leaves for health