
Seven Natural Sore Throat Medications That Are Proven Effective

 Seven Natural Sore Throat Medications That Are Proven Effective

There are many natural sore throat medications that can be easily obtained around us. Many of them that you may have at home, like honey, lemon, or salt. Treating sore throats with these ingredients is as good as using modern medicine unless a sore throat is a severe complication. This natural medicine will be able to relieve your sore throat slowly until healed completely without worrying about the side effects, both short and long term, especially in liver and kidney health.

The cause of a sore throat is very diverse. Most of them are caused by germs or allergies. The most common throat infection in the throat is caused by a virus, so there is no need for antibiotics to fight this disease, but just enough with a sore throat natural remedy (antibiotics are only to fight bacteria).

List of Natural Throat Medications You Can Try

A sore throat is indeed very disturbing, making daily activities uncomfortable. Sometimes this disease comes suddenly, sometimes it also appears slowly before a declining health condition. Fortunately, most sore throats don't need serious treatment so natural remedies can be used as alternatives. The list of natural medicine for sore throats below is intended to relieve the symptoms of sore throats, but some help the body fight germ infections.

  • Lemon

Lemon juice is very rich in benefits, starting as an antioxidant, treating stomach acid disorders, preventing shortness of breath, and can also be used to treat sore throats naturally. Astringent content in lemon can relieve and treat sore throats. The way to use it is easy, which is to mix 1 teaspoon of lemon juice into a glass of boiled water. Squeezing lemon juice can help relieve inflammation and help kill germs in the throat. In addition, it is also effective in removing mucus in the throat just like lime, which is usually the throat will feel relieved soon after phlegm can be removed

  • Clove

Cloves or cloves can also be used as herbal medicine for sore throats. How to use it quite easily, you only need 1-3 teaspoons of clove powder and a glass of boiled water. Mix the clove into the water, then use it for gargling. Cloves have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that can help relieve sore throats. Clove powder can be purchased at traditional markets or traditional drug stores. If it is not available in powder form, even the whole one can be used, but it needs to be ground first so that the nutrients can dissolve into the water.

  • Honey

Honey is believed and has been researched to contain antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties which can certainly help the body fight germs in the throat, therefore it is suitable for heat treatment and other types of sore throats. How to drink it is easy, mix one tablespoon of honey with a glass of warm water (not hot water because it will damage honey's nutrients). If you like, you can also try mixing it with tea or lemon juice. Regular consumption 2-3 times a day until a sore throat heals.

  • Salt

A salt solution is a sore throat natural mouthwash that has long been popular throughout the world. The ingredients needed are 1 cup of warm water and 1/4 teaspoon of salt. Use warm boiled water, as warm as you can make the mouth water. Keep in mind, the use of cold water is not effective. You can also add 1 tablespoon of Listerine to help kill germs. This solution is guaranteed to help relieve sore throats because it can eliminate and neutralize the acid in the throat, relieve the sensation of pain and burning in the throat and help heal your throat. It's just necessary to remember that this solution is for gargling, not swallowing.

Seven Natural Sore Throat Medications That Are Proven Effective