Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) occurs in women twice the risk than in men. One of the causes is that the urethral canal in women is s...
14 Causes of Urinary Tract Infection in Women Who Must Be Cautious

14 Causes of Urinary Tract Infection in Women Who Must Be Cautious

14 Causes of Urinary Tract Infection in Women Who Must Be Cautious

Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) occurs in women twice the risk than in men. One of the causes is that the urethral canal in women is shorter in size than men, so bacteria enter faster and have an infection effect. The cause of urinary tract infections in women can be caused by various factors. Poor hygiene causes bacterial contamination to the urinary tract.

Symptoms of a urinary tract infection are characterized by frequent urination in small amounts with cloudy colors. Accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen. Sometimes it is also accompanied by fever to shivering. This indicates infection to the kidney. A positive person is said to have a urinary tract infection if the results of laboratory tests found bacteria in the urine, there is nitrate in the urine, there is leukocyte-esterase in the urine, white blood cells> 10 / mm3 and antibody-coated bacteria are found.

Causes of urinary tract infections in women
Various conditions can cause urinary tract infections in women, in addition to hygiene factors, the age factor is also sometimes the cause of this problem. Here are some of the things that cause urinary tract infections in women:

E.coli bacteria
Nearly 80% of the causes of urinary tract infections that occur in women are caused by E.coli bacteria that enter the urinary tract. This is related to one's cleanliness and some improper cleaning methods. For example, watering urine from back to front. This will help E. coli bacteria in the anus move to the front area so that it is riskier to enter the urinary tract.

Women who have experienced menopause will experience a decrease in estrogen production. This results in changes in environmental conditions in the urinary tract which cause a greater risk of developing bacteria that can cause infection. The women who have menopause will often experience stomach ache as a sign of infection in the urinary tract.

Use of spermicide-coated condoms
Women who are associated with husbands who use condoms coated with spermicides will be more vulnerable to urinary tract infections. Why is that? Spermicides kill good bacteria in the urinary tract, then allow the bad bacteria that grow in them to cause infection.

Diaphragm contraception
This type of contraceptive works by pressing the urethra and disrupting urine discharge performance. As a result, the likelihood of growth and growth of bacteria that cause infection will be even greater. These bacteria will trigger an infection in the urinary tract.

Decreased endurance in women
Women who experience a decrease in endurance can be at risk of suffering from urinary tract infections. Bacteria that enter the body will quickly attack the urinary tract and cause undesired symptoms. Some conditions of the weak immune system in women such as bleeding, lack of nutrition, anemia, dehydration, fatigue, prolonged labor and so on also allow women to experience urinary tract infections.

Do not urinate after intercourse
Sexual activity between women and men allows the risk of entry of bacteria into the women's urinary tract which is shorter. So after contact, women are strongly encouraged to urinate and clean up the remaining dirt to help prevent the occurrence of urinary tract infections that are more likely to occur in women.

Lack of drinking water
Lack of drinking water causes the urinary system to become blocked. In addition to reducing body resistance due to dehydration, slow urinary cleansing will allow bacteria to develop in the canal and cause infection. At least a day, drink 2 liters of water to increase endurance while cleansing other organs of the body.

Pregnancy in women also often causes women in women who sometimes also continue to urinary tract infections in women. The larger the uterus will squeeze the urinary system, causing women to often develop BAK at an advanced gestational age.

Lack of maintaining the cleanliness of underwear
Bacterial infections can occur everywhere, including undressed clothes. In a day, at least change underwear 3 times, and can be more if the activity is quite dense. If you are tired, a woman often experiences vaginal discharge and the like which causes dirty underwear to quickly wear. So in this condition, the clothes must be replaced quickly to prevent bacterial contamination into the urinary tract.

Usage of catheter
Women who have just undergone childbirth surgery or other surgeries usually use a catheter to help urinate. Did you know, the use of this tool allows a greater risk in women to experience urinary tract infections. So when using a catheter make sure the woman's body condition is in prime condition to reduce the risk of infection from bacteria.

Dirty toilet water
For women, make sure you are sure that the water in the toilet is used to clean BAK or BAB in a sterile and not dirty condition. The entry of bacteria into the urinary tract can also be caused by bacterial contamination in the water, so that when it is washed the bacteria penetrate the skin and continue into the deepest part of the channel. In women, the short urethra can accelerate the risk of infection.

Restrain urination
Do not get used to holding BAK, this will trigger kidney conditions with cloudy urine. In this condition bacteria will also be more likely to grow and develop causing infection. Especially in women who have a greater risk of experiencing the infection.

Use of scented feminine products
Carefully choosing feminine products that contain perfume, the use of this product allows irritation of the skin and triggers the entry of bacteria into the genetic organs. Although beautiful needs are important, in this case, you are also important to pay attention to the side effects of the overall health of the female organs.

The use of underwear that is too tight and made of material does not absorb sweat
For women, it is recommended to wear loose underwear and cotton material that absorbs sweat. Clothing that is too tight will pose a risk of irritation to the skin, and sweat that is not absorbed properly will become a fertile medium for bacterial growth and development. The growth of bacteria in underwear will risk attacking genetic organs that can cause infection.

Various causes of urinary tract infections in women above can be anticipated by maintaining good hygiene, choosing the right products for the treatment of female organs, consuming lots of water and vitamin C for immunity, as well as paying attention to the habits that turned out to have an effect on organ hygiene. genetic in women. So that the greater risk can be prevented early.
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Drinking Peppermint Tea For Weight Loss

Drinking Peppermint Tea For Weight Loss

Drinking Peppermint Tea For Weight Loss
Drinking Peppermint Tea For Weight Loss

In addition to coffee, tea is still included in beverages favored by people around the world. Besides being refreshing and rich in antioxidants that can nourish the body, there are several types of tea that are said to help burn fat in the body, one of which is peppermint tea.

Tea drinks that have a strong menthol taste can actually make the body feel more comfortable. In addition, peppermint tea tends to be caffeine-free so it is safe for those whose digestion is incompatible with this content. Not only that, peppermint tea is rich in calcium, B vitamins, potassium. Various healthy ingredients are said to be able to help those who experience insomnia problems, nourish the digestive tract, overcome inflammation, make the body become more relaxed, and overcome bad breath.

Here are some other benefits we can get if you are diligent in consuming peppermint tea:

Lose weight

The aroma of peppermint in this drink can actually help us control our appetite better. We will also prevent the desire to eat or snack too much. Not only that, the content of peppermint tea will also help the process of burning fat in the body to be maximized. Routinely drinking it will certainly keep your body weight ideal, right?

Overcoming stress

Menthol has soothing and anti-inflammatory properties. By consuming it, blood pressure and body temperature will decrease so that we can become more relaxed.

Overcoming fever

If we have a fever, it doesn't hurt to consume peppermint tea to overcome it.

Strengthen the immune system

Peppermint tea has anti-bacterial properties that can prevent the onset of illness like a cold, cough, and fever. Not only that, the content of vitamin B, calcium, potassium, and antioxidants in this tea will help the process of absorption of food nutrients that will support the body's immune system to become stronger.
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9 Benefits of basil leaves for health

9 Benefits of basil leaves for health

9 Benefits of basil leaves for health
9 Benefits of basil leaves for health

Basil leaves are better known as vegetables. Because it is known as fresh vegetables, many people do not think that many benefits of basil leaves can be obtained by the body.

The benefits of basil leaves that many people know are just their use in various culinary and do not discuss the benefits of basil leaves that are more profound, for example about the benefits of basil leaves for health.

In China, this plant is used as a medicine for infections, stomach aches, snake bites, insects, drugs until it is a cancer drug. Many other countries also use basil leaves as traditional medicines, such as Greece, the Philippines, Tanzania, Mexico, and American and European countries.

Apart from scientific proof, empirical basil has been used in traditional medicine for various diseases, both in Indonesia and other countries.

The following are nine benefits of basil leaves for health, including:

Maintain heart health
Basil leaves are rich in beta-carotene and magnesium, important minerals that function to maintain and maintain heart health. Therefore, besides exercising regularly and maintaining a healthy diet, consuming basil regularly is also believed to strengthen your heart.

2. Improve appetite

The scent of basil leaves invites appetite. Naturally, if many people consume basil leaves as raw vegetables, mix peppers, or threatened. Besides being fresh and tasty, it turns out that the aroma of basil leaves can increase appetite & make eating become voracious.

3. Strengthen the lifespan of sperm and prevent infertility

In addition to delicious dishes, basil leaves contain arginine compounds which are proven to strengthen sperm life while preventing infertility. Basil leaves also contain substances that can stimulate the formation of androgen and estrogen hormones. The benefits of basil leaves for reproductive health are very important for couples who plan to have or add offspring.

If anyone has a complaint of ejaculation, basil leaves contain fenkhona Eugenol and Apigenin substances that can help make erections easier.

4. Lowering blood sugar

Many people who are not interested in consuming basil leaves for some reason are stinging. However, who would have thought if one of the benefits of basil leaves for other health is to reduce blood sugar. Control your blood sugar to stay normal by eating basil regularly.

5. Prevent bad breath and body odor

The benefits of basil leaves for other health are preventing bad breath and body odor. If you don't like the smell if you have to eat it directly, you can also drink the basil leaf juice mixed with turmeric and leaves then drink it regularly every day.

6. Treating vaginal problems, breast pain, kidney stones & albuminuria

John Henry M in his book entitled A Dictionary of Practical Materials Medical said that the benefits of basil leave for health care to overcome diarrhea, vaginal disorders, breast pain, to overcome kidney stones and albuminuria.

7. Overcoming flu, headaches, worms, and constipation

Based on research conducted by the Center for New Crops and Plant Products from Purdue University, the benefits of basil leaves are effective in overcoming flu, diarrhea, headaches, intestinal worms, constipation, and kidney disease.

8. Overcoming flatulence, ulcers, colds, and intestinal problems

Still, from the same research results, experts have proven the benefits of basil leaves can treat flatulence, ulcers, lethargy, colds, to overcome seizures. The aroma of basil leaves can also be used as an insect repellent.

In addition, the benefits of other basil leaves are overcoming digestive problems, intestinal infections, vomiting, headaches, fever, to gastritis.

9. As a massage oil

Basil leaves are often distilled because they contain high-grade essential oils where the aroma of basil will disappear within 24 hours after being applied to the body. Essential oils can make the body fresher and relieve pain so it is very good to be used as aroma massage oil.

Well, that's the benefit of basil leaves that you can get, so don't hesitate to eat basil leaves regularly to keep the body fresh and fit.
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7 Causes of Back Pain in Women

7 Causes of Back Pain in Women

7 Causes of Back Pain in Women

Both men and women, both are likely to experience back pain. If men are more closely related to work, then back pain in women is related to reproductive organs and hormonal conditions are more complex.

Lower back pain in women can occur not only due to disorders of the spine and muscles, but also as a result of problems in internal organs, such as the uterus, ovaries, kidneys, hormonal changes throughout the course of life, and others. this is the most common cause of back pain in women:

1. Coccydynia

Coccydynia or coccyx pain is an unusual problem but can occur. In this condition, sitting, cycling, and everything that puts pressure on the coccyx, causing severe back pain. Statistics show that women have a five times higher risk of developing coccydynia than men.

2. Uterine tumor

Benign tumors in the uterus generally do not cause pain. However, the type of myoma or fibroid that continues to grow larger can suppress the surrounding nerves. This will cause pain in the woman's back.

3. HNP 

Nucleus pulposus herniation (HNP) occurs when the spinal pad (disc) protrudes so that it compresses the spinal cord. This can occur due to weight lifting or injury and aging. Bone marrow which in fact is nerve tissue becomes squeezed with symptoms varies depending on the level of crush, ranging from back pain, to paralysis.

4. Ovarian tumor

As in the case of uterine fibroids, ovarian tumors can grow large enough to compress the nerve. Sometimes, ovarian tumors can cause torsion (twisting) or rupture (rupture) which causes unbearable pain in the lower back. If the tumor develops into malignant cancer, the spread can occur, the surrounding organs including the bone can become the target.

5. Kidney stones

Sometimes, hard deposits can develop in the kidneys and then travel to the bladder. When this kidney stone passes through the ureter, most people will experience very severe pain, even making it difficult to carry out daily tasks.

6. Endometriosis Endometrial tissue,

which is the surface layer in the uterus, can grow outside the uterus, namely in the ovaries, stomach, etc., causing irregular menstruation, back pain, and intensive menstrual cramps.

7. Osteoporosis

When a woman steps into the menopause phase, hormonal changes occur which will affect even psychic health. One problem that often arises is osteoporosis.

Osteoporosis often affects the spine and thighs of the spine, which trigger pain in the lower back. For those of you who suspect one of the conditions above, you should check with your doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment.
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7 Proven Ways To Get Rid Of Dark Lips Naturally

7 Proven Ways To Get Rid Of Dark Lips Naturally

7 Proven Ways To Get Rid Of Dark Lips Naturally

Lips are one part of the body that is most often affected by sunlight and other factors that often make it black. Fortunately, various medical and traditional methods can be done to re-enlighten them. One of them reddened the lips with lime as discussed below. 

Natural flush red lips are the dream of many people, especially women. Various methods have been carried out, even to high-risk ones such as lip embroidery. In fact, there are safer natural ways that can be used to redden the lips. Although natural ways are generally more time to consume and need the patience to get the desired results.

Lime or lime has long been known as a whitening agent. Even in the industrial world, processed lime can be used as calcium hypochlorite to be used as a cheap bleach for paper materials. Fruit with a sour taste is also a fruit that is rich in vitamin C which is good for the skin, including the skin of the lips. 

In addition, lemon juice also contains a variety of nutrients such as Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Calcium, Magnesium, Vitamin K, Potassium and Phosphorus which are beneficial for lip health. His ability to make lemon juice powerful enough to redden the lips naturally.

Especially black lips due to exposure to sunlight, smoking habits, high caffeine intake, use of low-quality beauty products, and hormonal imbalances. Lime can also be combined with other ingredients to increase its ability to redden the lips. Some of them are as described below.

Natural Ways to Reduce Lips with Lime 

1. Lime 

As a natural whitening agent, lime juice without any other ingredients is effective enough to fade black spots on the skin, as well as on the lips. The content of vitamin C and antioxidants are very good for nourishing the lips to blush red. How to use this lime? pay attention to the following steps: 

  • Prepare fresh lime juice and then take the water. 
  • Apply to the lips while gently massaging in a circle.
  • It should be noted that reducing the lips with lime should be done at night before going to sleep because lime makes the skin more sensitive to sunlight. 
  • Do this method every day or 2-3 times a week for 2 months or until satisfactory results have been obtained. 2. Lime with sugar

2. Lime with sugar 

The process of reddening the lips is essentially to lift the blackened layer of the lip to replace it with a new, brighter layer. With a brighter skin layer, the natural red color of the lips can appear more easily. A mixture of sugar and lime can act as an exfoliating agent that erodes the dull skin layer of the lips. How to make it quite easily as follows: 
  • Prepare fresh lime and sugar to taste. 
  • Take lemon juice and mix sugar to form like a liquid paste. 
  • Apply the mixture to the lips evenly and do a circular massage to remove the dull layer of skin. 
  • Do it 2-3 times a week, even the day before going to bed for maximum results.

3. Lime with yogurt 

The content of lactic acid in yogurt is known to brighten pigmented lips. So that the yogurt mixture and lime juice will work maximally to blacken the lips. The trick is to mix yogurt and lime juice in the same ratio. Then apply to the skin of the lips. Wash your lips with cold water afterward. Do this method once a day until you get a lighter red lip.

4. Lime with honey 

Honey is a natural ingredient with a variety of healthy properties it contains. Among them is its ability to moisturize the skin, help with wound healing and anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties.

How to use a mixture of lime and cucumber as follows:
  • Prepare lime juice and cucumber that has been finely blended, mix them together with the same ratio. 
  • Apply the material to the lips evenly and let stand for about 20 minutes, then wash thoroughly. 
  • Do this method every day before going to bed at night so the results are maximal.

5. Lime with almond oil Almond 

oil is a natural ingredient that is rich in vitamin E and saturated fatty acids that can moisturize and soften the skin of the lips. This mixture of ingredients with lime effectively brighten the lips a little black and make them moister so they are not easily broken. How to use it: 
  • Mix each one tablespoon of lime juice and almond oil. 
  • Apply the mixture to the lips evenly and let stand for about 40 minutes. 
  • Clean the lips with cold water afterward. 
  • Do this method 2-3 times a day until you get a lighter red lip. 

6. Lime with cucumber Similar to lime, 

cucumber also has whitening properties. Besides that, cucumber is also rich in silica which plays an important role in tissue formation in the skin and other parts of the body. Vitamin C and caffeic acid can also keep the skin from losing water so the lips are kept moist. 

How to use a mixture of lime and cucumber as follows: 
  • Prepare lime juice and cucumber that has been finely blended, mix them together with the same ratio. 
  • Apply the material to the lips evenly and let stand for about 20 minutes, then wash thoroughly. 
  • Do this method every day before going to bed at night so the results are maximal.

7. Lime with castor oil 

Brightening the lips with lime can also be combined with castor oil. The oil obtained from the extract of the castor tree is known to have the ability to enhance the immune system and is good for the skin. The content of unscenic acid is disinfectant and anticipate so that it can prevent the lip skin from bacterial or fungal infections that can cause the lips to become sore and darker. 

Here's how to use lime and castor oil for lips: 
  • Prepare fresh lime juice and castor oil, mix 1 tsp. 
  • Use the mixture on the surface of the lips and massage gently to soak. 
  • Let stand for about 15 minutes then wash thoroughly with lukewarm water. 
  • Repeat this method 3 times a day until you get a redder lips and look fresh.
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 Seven Natural Sore Throat Medications That Are Proven Effective

Seven Natural Sore Throat Medications That Are Proven Effective

 Seven Natural Sore Throat Medications That Are Proven Effective

There are many natural sore throat medications that can be easily obtained around us. Many of them that you may have at home, like honey, lemon, or salt. Treating sore throats with these ingredients is as good as using modern medicine unless a sore throat is a severe complication. This natural medicine will be able to relieve your sore throat slowly until healed completely without worrying about the side effects, both short and long term, especially in liver and kidney health.

The cause of a sore throat is very diverse. Most of them are caused by germs or allergies. The most common throat infection in the throat is caused by a virus, so there is no need for antibiotics to fight this disease, but just enough with a sore throat natural remedy (antibiotics are only to fight bacteria).

List of Natural Throat Medications You Can Try

A sore throat is indeed very disturbing, making daily activities uncomfortable. Sometimes this disease comes suddenly, sometimes it also appears slowly before a declining health condition. Fortunately, most sore throats don't need serious treatment so natural remedies can be used as alternatives. The list of natural medicine for sore throats below is intended to relieve the symptoms of sore throats, but some help the body fight germ infections.

  • Lemon

Lemon juice is very rich in benefits, starting as an antioxidant, treating stomach acid disorders, preventing shortness of breath, and can also be used to treat sore throats naturally. Astringent content in lemon can relieve and treat sore throats. The way to use it is easy, which is to mix 1 teaspoon of lemon juice into a glass of boiled water. Squeezing lemon juice can help relieve inflammation and help kill germs in the throat. In addition, it is also effective in removing mucus in the throat just like lime, which is usually the throat will feel relieved soon after phlegm can be removed

  • Clove

Cloves or cloves can also be used as herbal medicine for sore throats. How to use it quite easily, you only need 1-3 teaspoons of clove powder and a glass of boiled water. Mix the clove into the water, then use it for gargling. Cloves have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that can help relieve sore throats. Clove powder can be purchased at traditional markets or traditional drug stores. If it is not available in powder form, even the whole one can be used, but it needs to be ground first so that the nutrients can dissolve into the water.

  • Honey

Honey is believed and has been researched to contain antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties which can certainly help the body fight germs in the throat, therefore it is suitable for heat treatment and other types of sore throats. How to drink it is easy, mix one tablespoon of honey with a glass of warm water (not hot water because it will damage honey's nutrients). If you like, you can also try mixing it with tea or lemon juice. Regular consumption 2-3 times a day until a sore throat heals.

  • Salt

A salt solution is a sore throat natural mouthwash that has long been popular throughout the world. The ingredients needed are 1 cup of warm water and 1/4 teaspoon of salt. Use warm boiled water, as warm as you can make the mouth water. Keep in mind, the use of cold water is not effective. You can also add 1 tablespoon of Listerine to help kill germs. This solution is guaranteed to help relieve sore throats because it can eliminate and neutralize the acid in the throat, relieve the sensation of pain and burning in the throat and help heal your throat. It's just necessary to remember that this solution is for gargling, not swallowing.
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Dinner Menu for a Proven Diet to Lose Weight

Dinner Menu for a Proven Diet to Lose Weight

Dinner Menu for a Proven Diet to Lose Weight
Dinner Menu for a Proven Diet to Lose Weight

There are many ways to lose weight while on a diet, ranging from reducing carbohydrate intake to setting a dinner scheduled for a diet. As we know, eating at night is associated with an unhealthy diet. Because when night falls, the body does not move completely so that various carbohydrate and other ingredients derived from food cannot be processed optimally by the body.

Dinner Menu for a Consumable Safe Diet

Not a few also dieters who finally decided not to eat at night to lose their weight. Though leaving the stomach empty at night can cause insomnia because the body sends signals to the brain's nerves that the body needs something to digest. Difficulty sleeping or insomnia will make the body's condition unhealthy and lead to the malfunctioning of the body system to its full potential.

For this reason, on this occasion will be reviewed about some menu choices that you can consume even though you are undergoing a diet program. The following menus are guaranteed not to make you gain weight but only to meet the needs of the body's digestive system every day. The diet menu for the diet that will be reviewed on this occasion is divided into two, namely the food and beverage menu which is of course low fat.

Menu Type of Low-Fat Food for Diet

For the types of dinner menu for those of you who are undergoing the following diet has been proven safe for consumption. That way, you also no longer need to worry if you want to eat dinner or just snack even though you are undergoing a diet program. Are as follows:

  • Almond Nut

Speaking of diet, of course, this type of food seems to be one of the foods that are good for consumption. Because in a study in 2009, found a unique fact related to almonds as foods that are rich in nutrients.

The results of the study revealed that someone who makes almonds as a complementary food for the diet tends to have an ideal body weight and slimmer when compared to women who like to consume this type of bean. This is because, in 1 ounce of almonds, there are 167 calories, 6 grams of protein, and 3 grams of fiber.

This is what will make you feel full faster after eating almonds. With an appetite that is awake, the diet program that you do can run more perfectly. At night, you can make almonds as a snack combined with vegetables or fruits.

  • Apple

The second type of dinner menu for the diet is apples. Actually not only for consumption at night, even in the morning you can eat apples to support the diet program. This is because there is a high fiber content in apples whose function is to reduce cholesterol and fat levels, smooth the digestive system, and can give a feeling of fullness longer.

As a dinner menu during a diet program, you can consume 1 to 2 apples before going to bed. With a stomach that feels full, then you can sleep well.

  • Tomato

In addition to apples, tomatoes can also be an alternative food that will greatly assist you in running a diet program. The efficacy of tomatoes is to provide a feeling of fullness longer and can maintain your ideal body weight.

For those of you who want to make tomatoes as a diet menu for diet, just consume tomatoes directly or use juice. For information, a cup of tomatoes contains 43 calories which are certainly higher when compared to almonds. That way, your stomach will feel full faster so it will not be interested in eating other unhealthy foods at night. (read also: various healthy menus for your daily diet)

  • Salmon

The next dinner menu for salmon is salmon. According to research, salmon meat has the ability to lose weight up to 10 ounces each time consumption. But keep in mind that when making salmon as your dinner menu during the diet, simply process it by steaming or boiling it. Frying salmon meat is not good for the diet because frying oil contains bad fats which must be avoided during a diet.

Menu Types of Protein Rich Drinks for Diet

In addition to the food menu, you also need to know some types of protein-rich drinks that can be consumed at night during the diet. As for some types of beverage menu that you can consume are as follows:

  • Milk

You also know that milk is one of the best drinks for the body because it is rich in protein. In addition, milk also contains tryptophan which is included in the category of essential amino acids with the function of protein synthesis in the body.

Tryptophan contained in milk has a very low-fat content so it will not interfere with your diet program. In addition, when consuming milk, the body will be more restful when resting. For this reason, at night, try to eat warm milk before going to bed.

  • Green tea

Speaking of drinks that are suitable for consumption during a diet program, green tea may be the most appropriate solution or alternative. This is because green tea is an herbal drink that has a lot of properties for the body, ranging from reducing fat levels to helping the digestive process.

In green tea, there are polyphenols which can also protect the body from free radicals. In addition, polyphenols will also help reduce about 25 to 30 calories of the body. For those of you who want to consume green tea as the best drink for a diet, just brew green tea with 150 ml of warm water and drink before going to bed.

  • Lime juice

Who doubts the efficacy of lime juice for diet? Lime juice itself is very much used by those who want to burn fat in the body during a diet program. This is because there is a lot of vitamin C inside the lime with a function as a deterrent to toxins and can destroy the fat clots that accumulate in the body.

The way to eat it is quite easy. You only need to take about 1-2 lime and squeeze the water in a glass. Next, add warm water and stir until evenly distributed. To get rid of the lime sour taste, you can mix lemon into it.

Those are some types of dinner menus for diets that you can consume. But keep in mind, to get maximum diet results, balance the diet program with exercise. That way, the fat burning process will run more optimally. Good luck and hopefully useful.
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